Sunday, August 31, 2014

  • Sunday, August 31, 2014
  • Rex

Malta baracuda swimming (own photo)
Traveling to Malta, Gozo and Comino
Experience the wonderful Maltese sea, sun, paths, 7000 years of history, gastronomy and scuba diving!

Malta is a beautiful country rich in ancient history (Maltese temples - the oldest world's standing prehistoric monuments surrounded by mystery, the medieval Maltese knights) and historical sites, located in the middle of Mediterranean sea, on a rocky island with its unique beauty, tasty cuisine and winery, and the paradise for scuba diving lovers.

Visit Malta and enjoy a lot of indoors and outdoors activities:

- city tours to main places around the main island, Malta, or nearby islands, Gozo, Comino and Cominotto;

- visits the Maltese ancient temples (Ggantija, Hagar Qim, Mnajdra, Tarxien and Hypogeum at Hal Saflieni), local museums (Archeology, Roman History and Antiquities), and baroque churches;
- participate to local fiestas, mingle with people and give a try with delicious Maltese gastronomy;
- take a trip to Mdina for a "knights of Malta" show where you can assist to a recall of historical medieval moments;
- go swimming, to the peaceful beaches with golden sand or around for shopping;
- take sailing boats, cruises around Maltese islands;
- experience scuba diving in fascinating underwater world;
- jeep safaris;
- and even learn foreign languages.

Ralph Waldo Emerson quote about travel - "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."

Most important sites and museums in Malta
In Malta (including its islands) - the one big open-air museum with imprints of a vast number of cultures - everything is at easy reach from morning till late in the night, making so comfortable to combine a morning swim or diving into Mediterranean Sea, with a cultural program and a gastronomy tour at noon, and shopping or relaxing at a taverna till late in the evening.

- The Museum of Archeology
- Museum of Roman History and Antiquities - The Roman Villa
- Ghar Dalam Cave and Museum
- Hagar Qim Temples
- Mnajdra Temples
- Tarxien Temples
- The Hal Salfieni Hypogeum
- St. Paul's Catacombs

Malta - Tarxien Temple complex (Ggantija phase, c. 3000 - 2500 BC)
Malta - Tarxien Temple complex (own photo)

Hal Saflieni Hypogeum - Malta
One of the most ancient sites in Malta, and unique in the world
The Hal Saflieni Hypogeum is the only known subterranean structure from the Bronze Age.
It was discovered during construction works in 1902.
The three underground levels date from ca. 3600 – 2400 B.C.
It was used both as a sanctuary and a cemetery.
The bones of 7000 people have been found here (in bits and pieces).
The monument is considered one of the essential prehistoric monuments in the world.
Entrance is limited to 80 persons a day, and pre-booking a visit is usually necessary.
Source: World Heritage Site
Saint Augustine quote about travel - "The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."

Important sites and museums in Gozo:
- Ggantija
- The Museum of Archeology
- The Brocktorff Circle

Malta Gozo fossils (own photo)
Traveling to Malta and Maltese paths
At first sight, Malta, seems too rocky, arid, drought, with very little vegetation and too much sun…

But as long as days are passing by, no doubt, that if you allow yourself to go around, visit all temples and caves challenging the enigma of prehistorical era, get lost in a jeep safari or with local old yellow bus – right hand driven (as shown in my photo posted here), take a scuba diving lesson, taste local food, participate to traditional local celebrations and fiestas, drink their delicious dry red wine, mingle with locals and understand their words and body language, stay laid down on the golden sand of Maltese beaches (to the North of the island and in Gozo) while listening to the sounds of nature… you’ll be totally fascinated about this tiny country, its inhabitants and traditions.

Do not miss:
- Valletta harbors,
- the narrow winding streets of Mdina and the Three Cities,
- the Blue Grotto,
- Marsaxlokk – fishing village,
- the Azure Window in Gozo.

And you’ll definitely fall in love with Malta!
Francis Bacon quote about travel - "Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience."

A taste of Maltese festas, gastronomy and local wine

Malta festa (own photo)
All cities and villages in Malta are offering a gorgeous show of lights and sounds, fireworks, music and dances, all summer long (and maybe even during other months of the year, as well).

And it is so nice to see all locals being so friendly, speaking Maltese (a mixture of English, Italian, French and Arab) language, offering to the tourists a bit of their culture and customs, while hosting a multicultural experience.

Love their fresh healthy and chilled fruit salads, the large plate served with assortment of cheeses, dry fruits and pastrami, dry red wine or Zeppi’s traditional Maltese liqueur.

Outdoor activities in Malta
Traveling to Malta - scuba diving at Gozo (own photo) Malta is known as scuba divers’ paradise for its breathtaking underwater scenery offered by nature’s beauty (a wide variety of aquatic flora and fauna) combined with the mysterious appearance of old vessels and plains wrecks in surrounding shimmering turquoise deep-sea.

And most outdoor activities in Malta are related to water:
- snorkeling,
- swimming,
- scuba diving,
- sailing.
Besides these, are:
- jeep safari,
- scuba diving,
- fishing,
- birdwatching,
- (underwater) photography.


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