Saturday, August 30, 2014

  • Saturday, August 30, 2014
  • Rex
Cheerful Christmas celebration
Christmas celebration - the magical moment of the year for all!

Did you start feeling the Christmas spirit? Such a wonderful time of the year, so close and so cheerful! Christmas - the magical moment of the year for all to share and celebrate with family, friends and dearest persons in our life!

I like winter season especially for Christmas Eve and New Year celebrations, and I love Christmas for being celebrated in winter - pine tree scent, children laughs, fluffy snow flakes dancing in the air while covering the roof of the houses and streets, the subdue sound of Christmas carols, delicious traditional cakes just taken out from oven, cinnamon and lemon flavors, a fresh peeled orange, the gifts beneath the tree, joyful colors, and especially for treasured family gatherings... :)

I think that Christmas is the most expected and joyful celebration over the year for every single person in the world...

I love the Christmas celebration around the Christmas tree, waiting for Santa Claus and his adorable companions, the reindeer and winter for the beauty of the landscapes, frozen nature like caught in expectation for a new change, a "sea of snow", different air, sounds, sensations, making you feel renewed and curious.

Let's celebrate cheerful Christmas - the magical moment of the year!

Christmas quote - "There's more, much more, to Christmas than candlelight and cheer; it's the spirit of sweet friendship that brightens all year. It's thoughtfulness and kindness, it's hope reborn again, for peace, for understanding, and for goodwill to men!" (anonymous)

Cheerful Christmas moments
I like seeing smiles on people’s faces, no matter if poor or rich, each one doing its best to bring a symbolic joy to dearest ones nearby; for few moments trying to be better persons, making themselves glow under a special light.

If it could last for a longer period of time, it would be such a delight for all of us, but we’re happy to benefit of it even only during these special days.

This period I like writing to all my friends, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances, making dozen phone calls every hour, speak with dear people that maybe during the year we think about but just happens to cannot get in contact very often, send greetings to people met on my daily route, light up a candle to remember the ones that cannot be with us anymore, letting some gifts at church for the kids without possibilities and even offering a treat to the friendly dog waving his tale at the corner of my building…

I think that dreaming at Santa Claus along with the desire of sharing happiness, especially on Christmas – the magical moment of the year, brings sparkles into their eyes and it’s a real pleasure to watch them all day long. : )

Dale Evans Rogers quote about Christmas - "Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas."

Family gatherings on Christmas
I like family gatherings around a wonderful Christmas tree well decorated, sweeten efforts to offer delicious meals, special cakes made for this celebration just taken out the stove, traditional beverages (eventually a cup of boiled wine with a drop of sugar, pepper and cinnamon), the mixed smell of pine trees with fresh peeled of oranges, laugh with kids, relatives and friends, sharing last impressions over the year, mixed stories, warm thoughts, laughs, hugs and kisses, plans and hopes for coming year, wonderful moments to remember…

Christmas (anonymous) quote - "One of the nice things about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with a present."

Christmas Feelings
Right on Christmas Eve and next day, I like to have fresh snow fall with fluffy snow flakes dancing lazy in the air, without any pale of wind, feel on skin that winter icy but friendly air, then be inside the house and enjoying the sensation of warmth when it’s dark outside and, looking thru the windows with ice flowers in thousand iridescent layers, to see plenty of colorful lights spread along the streets, all stores and houses decorated for this special season, see smoke coming out the neighboroughs' cheminees and kids outside singing carols, making lots of snow men, skating or fighting softly with snow balls…

“My favorite thing about Christmas” – it means very much, it’s such a complex feeling, and also a meeting point with my own self and a mental release of any desire or hidden expectation – understood as probably the single moment in time when I let myself dream with no restrictions living some room for the illusion that it may be… anything! – because it’s a magic time for kids and not only!

Would like to have a Romantic Christmas celebration… but one night or a couple of days in a whole year I like to forget about anything around and allow myself to feel and dream with a glass of champagne.


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