Saturday, June 29, 2013

  • Saturday, June 29, 2013
  • Rex
Living in another century - Tivoli - Italy (own photo)
Sometimes I'm wondering if I was born in the right century, and how would have been my life in another century and which era (as "moment in time") could be more suitable for me...

If it is to forget for few moments about historical truths, and let our imagination free to dream at a perfect period and time to live in, which era would make it for you?If you could live in any century besides the 20th or the 21st century, in other words any time before the year 1900, when would you like to live and where?

Here I'll expose 2 options that I may have:
- living in Stone age;
- living in Renaissance period.
What about you? Have you ever wonder about living in another century? And to which era your mind is leading to? And why?

Let's dream a bit how would be living in another century! :)

1. Stone age
- the era when one could live mentally numbed, without headaches, as a very simple human being barely using its mind, mostly focusing on basic instincts and primary needs; no purpose, no special interests; no reasons for love, hate, expectations; no hopes, no dreams; no bad or bad feelings at all!

Living in another time period...
Wild serenity! If you could choose, would you live in another century? Listing of the answers to the question: If you could choose, would you live in another century? History Timeline of the Twentieth Century Browse through this history timeline of the 20th century to examine each decade within this amazing century.

2. Renaissance
- If it is to chose and go back in time, that period is, definitely, my favorite, closed to everything more or less hidden inside me.

At that time, I imagine myself, being really me, very good friend with nature and activities in open air, certainly involved in arts and any creative process, feeling free to express myself, my thirst for tranquility and beauty, and let lose all the senses.

In no other "era" were so many blossoming arts, so much beauty, free imagination and sweet creativity (a bit bohemian) as then. In my opinion, no other period or current could ever equalize or compete with Renaissance!

The most delicate scents, combination of colors, best sounds in music, lyrics, paintings/ architectural buildings, fountains, gardens come out at that time.

And for this I love Italy (in fact the mother of Renaissance) with its representative region - Tuscany - with its well known schools of art, absolutely impressive landscapes, vineyards and cities: Florence, Siena and Pisa.

And, probably mentioned before, my favorite personalities from all times (but representatives for this era) were Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci with their amazing minds and absolutely gorgeous creations, real Maestros in everything they did, touched and let for future generations (either conscious about or not).

Do I want to live in another time!?

You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'
Sometimes I'm wondering how would have been my life in another century and which era (as "moment in time") would be more suitable to live in...

  • Rex
Feel the volcano (Photo source:
Volcanoes... such a majestic creation of nature!

To me, volcanoes are always fascinating, mysterious and with a vivid spirit, either with cold magma or hot magma...

I cannot find enough words to explain the mixture and avalanche of feelings being around such a wonderful and magnificent "opera", somehow full of contradictions.

It is amazing to watch and be near any type of volcano, be it a dormant volcano or quite an active volcano lover, also?

Have you ever had the chance to see a one in real, to walk around, touch it, smell it?
Did you feel and sense the volcano spirit?

Resembling a volcanic eruption in a scenic video at Santorini Island, Greece

"Desire is storm, greed is whirlpool, pride is precipice, attachment is avalanche, ego is volcano. Discard desire and you are liberated." - Sri Sathya Sai Baba

In my opinion, any human being should take a trip to famous European Volcanoes:
- Mt. Etna Volcano - Sicily, Italy

- and Santorini Volcano - Greece, to Iceland, Mexico, Martinique, Java, Japan or to any other volcanic site in the world, and experience all those wonderfully mixed and triggering feelings...

Sicilia - Etna volcano (own photo)
While taking a trip to Etna Volcano - which was a guided tour with very short free time to take the chance and let myself surrounded by volcano's spirit, feel and enjoy its beauty - would be interesting to take the opportunity to speak with brave locals about their daily life near volcano, their perspective over important and mundane things.

It seamed to me that most people leaving around a volcano, especially close to an active volcano, are perfectly aware of their exposure to the danger but they become somehow addicted to it, volcano's spirit entering under their skin, building their stamina, making them watch their lives with eyes wide open... they do feel and sense the Volcano, eventually enjoying every single moment.

I think any person that was lucky enough to be born near a volcano gets a part of its wild spirit becoming somehow directly dependent and connected with its breath, as part of nature. When volcano breaths, you're doing the same, when its revolting, you understand its rage and, simply, follow it, when it is calm you're just living your life beneath its silent presence...

Let's feel and sense the volcano!
"So when I read this story, it unlocked a volcano of unanswered questions, because the questions had never been asked. It was an opportunity to come to terms with the lot of repressed history - and history of repression." - Phillip Noyce

Lava runned over the house - Mt. Etna, Sicily, Volcano (own photo)
Few words about volcanoes
There are about 485 active volcanoes on this planet.

The largest volcano is Mauna Loa and it makes up part of Hawaii. The volcano stands above ground, but it begins way below the ocean and is actually 9090 m high.

Magma is molten rock and it is comes from the center of the earth where the temperature can reach up to 10,000 degrees centigrade. That's extremely hot!

One third of all volcanic eruptions take place on the island country of Iceland
When the island of Krakatoa erupted in 1883, it caused a tidal wave that killed 40,000 people. The island sank after ejecting 18 cubic kms of lava. Santorini Volcano, Greece - facts & information/ VolcanoDiscovery 

Mt. Vesuvius, the active volcano that looms over the Bay of Naples in southern Italy, has erupted well over 30 times that we know of. And yet its most famous eruption took place all the way back in... At any time there are about 20 volcanoes actively erupting around the world, and about 50-70 volcanoes have erupted in the last year or so. There are a total of 550 volcanoes that have erupted in all of recorded history.

Volcanoes around the world give sleepless nights to those who live around its vicinity. If you want to know more about some of the world famous volcanoes, then read the following article - world famous volcanoes

"The Earth is God's pinball machine and each quake, tidal wave, flash flood and volcanic eruption is the result of a TILT that occurs when God, cheating, tries to win free games." - Tom Robbins

  • Rex
what means time (own photo)
Time – what does it mean to you? Thinking at time and wondering about...What it is time? How would you describe it? How we perceive time?

Do we know all about time?
Can we understand the time?
Can we control the time? How do we measure time?

How time is affecting us?
Time may be an abstract, immaterial, irreversible, flowing (in one single direction - from what we are able to perceive) and relative thing, and we're related to it in everything we are and do, more or less conscious about.

What means time? Some are saying that:
- time is a simple dimension; that we have past, present and future;
- time is only present (past and future non existing in their opinions);
- time is a portal to another dimension about which humans are not prepared yet to perceive and understand it;

- and others are saying that it's nothing more that a human mind invention and, in fact, it does not exist in real and we invented it to mark up our actions and existence.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs

Also, for humans, time it may be a scary thing, cause is showing a starting point, a path and the end, again irreversible.

So, a bit after they have learned to play with fire, later their main concern was to delay their end. They invented pyramids and cryogenic technologies to postpone the aging, but since thousand years, beside to measure it, I'm not sure if any one was able to discover a concrete way to control the time, while for the moment, time for sure does control us.

"Don't count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count." - Anonymous
From my point of view - time is a factory, in existence - in two ways:
1. time is a perceptive idea;
2. time is a biological issue.

First of all, time is a perceptive idea.
Time flows in a way that is perceived differently by people or by the same person in various ways at different times, based up on our perception level. And in that sense we really can't control it unless we can change our perception.

Perception is a factor of distance, expended energy, and size of the person mental limits or entity in question.

Also, time has no weight, scent, taste, consistence, cannot be seen (as an object)...
Second of all, time is a biological issue... our cells react to the time in an irrefutable way that is determined by the chemistry of our existence as well as the wear and tear and recovery needed to be induced at a cellular level. 

Even atoms have half lives which are determined by the decay of atoms just as in cells time is measured by the activity of the cell.
I would like to consider valid this opinion but it seams to be impossible as long as I was taught to relay on time and space since the "cell" stage. I know that, for a while, it does exist the present and I'm aware of it (not touchable but lived for a split second) but my mind is not able to separate the past from what I am, what I did or experienced and I cannot perceive a future (time) because this is always unknown and constantly changeable.

We can only partly control my actual actions or make plans, but cannot change the past or influence much the future.

We have only the present time that somehow flows along my paths on life, and certainly, is irreversible no matter what we do or believe.

Based on an issue brought up by Einstein's "General Theory of Relativity" and actually proven via experiment and observation - time, measured biologically and atomically, actually slows down when traveling at higher speeds. Time, though, is most readily affecting us via our perceptions, our mental awareness of its passing. And that is something that we really have no control over most of the time.

I'm sure he was right and it was proven that, at small scale, this can be applied in various domains of science (medical researches, aeronautical experiments and probably many others more or less brought to public acknowledgement).

Thinking at this now I wonder if that "Philadelphia Experiment" was real or just a myth, cause if it was real, this certainly can change humanity perceptions and actions. I have no idea if such thing is good or not/ dangerous, but it may be a step ahead for human being evolution.

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

On the other hand, the single 3 moments when we're able to catch a fraction of time are:

- whenever we're creating things, especially material ones (cause they last and we can see/ have them long time after that moment passes) and immaterial ones (in our daily interaction with other people) - "touchable things" that last for a while.
- the amazing moment of capturing fractions of time through photography (somehow a paradox, cause is catching on material surface, a unique moment in time with whole it's beauty and ephemeral passage, including thoughts, feelings, expressions, angles transferring perceptions and emotions)...
"Capturing the nanosecond"...
- And I may add the illusion of "freezing" the time... in an hourglass. :)
"Time is free, but it's priceless.

You can't own it, but you can use it.
You can't keep it, but you can spend it.

Once you've lost it you can never get it back." - Harvey MacKay
I love hourglasses. The shape, the dynamic of the falling sand, the representation of time... so, what means time to you?

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